Southern Colorado Fall Fence Maintenance Tips

Do your plans for autumn in Southern Colorado include doing fall fence maintenance? Taking preemptive measures now can mean less work in the cold of w...
Monday, 20 September 2021

Do your plans for autumn in Southern Colorado include doing fall fence maintenance? Taking preemptive measures now can mean less work in the cold of winter.

When you think of autumn in Southern Colorado, fall fence maintenance tips might not be the first thing that comes to your mind. It is more likely that you picture the beautiful reds, golds and oranges of changing leaves and trips to the local pumpkin patch. But there are good reasons why you should add repairing your fence to your autumn bucket list, and we have you covered with our tips for fall fence maintenance.

1. Perform A Fence Inspection

Wind and moisture are all too common to Colorado winters, so you would be well-advised to walk the perimeter of your yard and make note of any areas of concern this fall. This could include weather-beaten or rotting pickets, boards that require staining, rusting posts and hinges for chain-link or iron fences, and making note of any areas where your fence may be leaning or appear weaker than they were at the beginning of summer.

2. Clean Up Landscaping And Debris

Part of all fall fence maintenance plans should include the removal of leaves and debris around the foot of the fence. Foliage and trash can retain moisture from autumn storms and early snowfall and lead to not only rot, but also shifting soil. While you are at it, trim back any trees or bushes hanging over your fence. Early snowfalls along the Front Range can cause branches to break, falling on your fence and inflicting damage.

3. Stabilize Fence Posts And Shore Up Leaning Fences

Fences lean for a variety of reasons, but most issues start at the post. Wind, rain, snow and ice can all cause shifting soil, compromising the strength and integrity of your fence posts. Ensure that your posts are dug into the ground deep enough to remain stable, and consider adding or replacing compacted soil or concrete around the base of the post for additional support. 

Remember, a fence is only as stable as the posts that support it. If your posts move when you gently push on them, it is a good sign that you could soon have a leaning fence, or worse yet one that has blown down completely, to deal with sooner than later.

4. Restain Or Reseal Wood Fences

It is no secret that moisture can damage wood fences. Keep your fence in good repair and prevent mold, mildew and rot from setting in by re-staining exposed planks and supports with a waterproof stain or sealant. Including this step in your fall fence maintenance can lengthen the life of your fence significantly, and can keep you from costly repairs down the line.

5. Remove Rust From Chain-Link And Iron Fences

While you might love the site of orange leaves on trees, you likely do not want to see that same color on your chain-link or iron fence. Rust is corrosive to metal and should be removed from your fence at its first appearance, especially on gate hinges, posts and at the base of the fence.

Click to learn more about chain link fence maintenance

6. Replace Damaged Boards As They Happen

If you want your fence to last for 10-15 years or more, you need to make needed repairs as soon as possible after they occur. Failing to replace broken, cracked, or otherwise damaged boards can result in additional damage and costs later on.

Final Thought: Know When Your Fall Fence Maintenance Requires Reinforcements

If your fall fence maintenance needs more TLC than you are reasonably able to provide, it might be time to call in reinforcements. At Blick’s Fencing, we know how the soil conditions, terrain and weather conditions in Southern Colorado affect fencing because we have been installing and repairing fences along the Front Range for decades. Contact us today to schedule your free fence inspection and quote, and get back to what you really love doing during the beautiful autumn weather in the Rocky Mountains!

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